By Mrs Tarrant (Head of Years 7 and 8)
On Wednesday, our Year 7 students took part in Ron’s Gone Wrong Day, focusing on friendships and social media. The day began with a screening of the film, encouraging students to consider its main storyline and reflect on how it made them feel.
Charlie (Year 7) shared her thoughts: “I think the main storyline was about friendships and accepting that you do not have to be exactly like others and you can be yourself. It made me feel proud that he stood up for who he actually is.”
Following the film, students explored how kindness was portrayed and the idea that friendship is a two-way relationship. They then wrote letters to the film’s producer, outlining what they appreciated about the film and suggesting areas for improvement.
Earlier in the week, Mrs Page (Senior Tutor for Years 7 and 8) conducted a survey on students’ screen time, revealing a reduction compared to last year. This prompted discussions on the addictive nature of social media and its potential benefits and drawbacks. Year 7 created informative posters on these themes, which will be displayed near the Year 7 and 8 noticeboard.
Mrs Hudson Findley (Director of Digital Learning, Enterprise and Sustainability) led a session on using WhatsApp wisely, covering topics such as etiquette, kindness and managing one’s digital footprint.
Zaynor (Year 7) reflected on the session: “I learnt about your digital footprint. I will always think before I type!” Eleanor (Year 7) added: “Always reflect and take a step back before you send or reply to someone. Make sure everyone is kind and respects each other.”
The day offered students a chance to think more about friendships and their use of social media.