Powerful Performances
Senior School Drama

Mrs Howe (Director of Drama and Dance)

On Thursday 11th November, our Upper Sixth A Level Drama group presented their incredibly powerful piece of devised theatre based on the highly influential physical theatre company, Gecko. Producing expressionistic work that demanded very precise choreography and exceptional commitment was no mean feat but the Upper Sixth students achieved an excellent level of precision and visual montage while communicating effectively through the use of breath; a trademark of Gecko’s rehearsal and performance style. They showed a fearless approach to a challenging performance style and created a truly moving experience.

Next came our Year 11 Drama students completing their Devised Examination on Friday 19th November after a long week of rehearsals. Four pieces were presented; all diverse in theme, period and style with students aptly demonstrating their creative skill in acting and design to realise their imaginative responses to the initial dramatic stimuli of Ghost Town by the Specials and two images of artwork from The Burning Man Festival.

The students are to be commended for achieving high quality pieces whilst navigating COVID absences that frequently put the work back. Their resilience and perseverance were in evidence as they planned extra rehearsals and worked remotely when required to keep their pieces developing and on track.

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Powerful Performances