Celebrating World Book Day
English LRC

Ms Rogers (LRC Manager)

On Thursday 5th March, BGS embraced World Book Day with a variety of events and activities. The Senior School celebrations included an Alice in Wonderland themed lunch provided by our Green Kitchen, a photographic competition, reading in an unusual place and of course, girls and teachers alike dressed up as their favourite literary characters.

The LRC used World Book Day as an opportunity to celebrate and promote the Graphic Novel and Comic Books. This included a visit from Marvel author Jess Harrold, a British writer and journalist. He has worked for Marvel for more than a decade, contributing extensively to Marvel Spotlight as well as other magazines and books. Jess was invited to speak to our Lower Sixth English IB Students on the history of the Graphic Novel and its place in literature. This will prove to be an invaluable insight when the class study Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi, later in the year.

At lunchtime, the LRC was transformed into a Comic Con event, complete with book signings, competitions and a replica of a Game of Thrones costume. Students were invited to host their own stands highlighting their love of all things Superhero.

In the Junior School, they celebrated with a special World Book Day assembly, which involved all year groups showing off their costumes on a parade walk. The Junior School Library hosted Alice in Wonderland card games and creative colouring fun!

This year has been an extremely enjoyable event. We particularly loved the English Departments wonderful tweets on the theme of reading being a Super Power. Although World Book Day is a lovely opportunity to dress-up and enter competitions, it is also important to remember why we celebrate it. Reading for pleasure is important for a variety of reasons including extending your vocabulary, cognitive development, cultural awareness and has been proven to reduce your stress levels.

World Book Day 2020

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