Dance Success
Senior School Performing Arts

By Miss Bream (Teacher and Coordinator of Co-Curricular Dance)

We are delighted to share our most recent RAD Classical Ballet results, boasting a 100% pass rate. Our Junior and Senior dancers achieved outstanding results, including nine High Merits, four Merits and one pass.

These exams took place at the end of last term and once again students responsibly rose to the challenge of attending extra coaching lessons alongside the demands of academic studies while also managing the festivities of Christmas!

As with our recent ISTD Modern and Tap results, students achieved a noticeably higher mark for ‘presentation and performance’ than in previous exam sessions, which of course both myself and Mrs D’Arcy are thrilled about. Hard work, determination and parental support are integral to these successes so thank you and congratulations to all.

Mr Stratton (Director of Drama and Dance) said: “Congratulations to all the recipients for achieving such excellence. It reflects not only individual dedication but also the collective commitment to nurturing high-quality dance provision at our school. Well done!”

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Dance Success